
Bear Markets

We Need to Talk: 4 Qs to Ask Your Advisor to be Sure You’re Prepared

“It’s not about predicting, it’s about preparing. “ – Daniel Taylor | We Need to Talk (What to Ask Your Advisor) In the current environment, I’ve found that many investors are concerned about what could happen to their investments in a falling market (and rightly so).  But, you shouldn’t have to just ride out the next grinding...
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The Bear Market is Coming (if it’s not here already)

“Rule No. 1: Don’t lose money.  Rule No. 2: Don’t forget Rule No. 1” – Warren Buffett  | The S&P 500 lost 57% of its value during the 2008-09 Financial Crisis. And it took over 3 years to recover. It lost almost that much during the Dot-com Crash (the Nasdaq lost over 70%).  And that...
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